
Sunday, 13 April 2014

WAS Issues and Solution

404 Page Not Found
500 Internal Server Error

Out Of Memory Exception
Connection TimeOut
Slow Response
Unable to Connect to DataBase
Stale Connection Exception
Deployment Related Issues
Server Hung/Creash

Component Isolation
Ping Webserver Machine whether it is up & running
if yes → Try to access IHS Home Page with http://localhost:80/
if No → Check whether IHS is running with ps -ef | grep httpd
If IHS not running Strat it 
if IHS is running Analyse log Files 
   <IHS_HOME>/logs/error.log , 

Then Generate & Propagate plugin_cfg.xml

Ping Appserver Machine whether it is running or not
If No → Start it
Access Application using Proper url
Still Unable to access Application , Analyse Server logs and Application logs
Once Problematic Server is Identified
Collect SystemOut/Err.log files
Take Dumps with kill -3 <PID>
Note: For PID, ps -ef | grep java or from Console
Record CPU and Memory Utilization
Colect Output of netstat into a file using netstat -an | grep 9080 >> netstat9080.txt
Try to Google the Error Code

JDBC Connection Problems
Perform Test Connection
If Successful ;;
Failure might be because of failed JNDI Lookup
check SystemOut.log for NameNotFoundException
If True, the root cause of problem is that the JNDI Lookup of DataSource by Application Fails
Check the DataSource JNDI Name and Ensure it is bound to Application Server, when it starts
You can see it in SystemOut.log like below: WSVRR0049I: Binding datasource as jdbc/ds
Also Check Application Code and ensure that it is Looking Up the correct JNDI Name
If you are doing an indirect JNDI Lookup (i.e java:comp/env/jdbc/ds ), ensure that the binding is correct in the datasource resource reference
The Resource reference is configured in the Web, EJB or Application Deployment Descriptor

If Not ;;
Catch the Error Message shown in the Console when TestConnection Performed
a) Does the Error Message Contains, SQLException, Indicates problem with database credentials
If Yes, Check J2C Authentication Alias and correct UserID and Password
If Not , Check with DBA
b) NO SQLException
If you are using Type2 or Type3 JDBC Driver, indicates JVM is unable to load a native library that is needed by the JDBC Driver, Ensure All Environment Entries are Set like ORACLE_HOME, LIBPATH
Try to Connect to the database server using a standalone java program to determine whether problem is with DataBase or WAS
a) If Direct JDBC Connection also fails, work with DBA to resolve the issue
b) If Successful Gather for DataBase Connection, and Raise PMR to IBM

Connection Wait Issue
a) Connection Slow
b) Application Connection Leak
c) Performance Issues related to Connection Pooling
If you see ConnectionWaitTimeOutException in SystemOut.log
→ Slower Performanceor Delays when application tries to get a conection
→ Threads hanging while waiting for a free connection ( This can be seen in JavaCore )
If Yes → Connection Pool is at its Maximum Size
Results All Of Connections are in use and the application requests more connections.
So, the application must wait for a free connection to become available
a) Does the Problem eventually clears up or persists until server restart
If the Problem clears up Eventually, the root cause of problem is likely that maximum connections is not set hight enough for the amount of load on the application
To Increase Value, Perform the load test. Use PMI and Monitor Connection pool counters in TPV for tuning
b) If it Persists until server restart, cause is application is not closing connections

Each App should Follow get/use/close
After Close each connection returns to free pool
If the Connection is leaked and never returns to pool, eventually the pool might become filed with leaked Connections causing ConnectionWait Problems
To determine application is leaking connections,
Enable Tracing, The Trace output shows whether a connection leak exists and it also shows what part of application code is leaking connections
PMI helps you to determine connection leaks
If the application is failing to call close() on all conection objects, that is root cause and fix the application code to resolve the issue
If No Connection Leak
The Connection Wait problem and slow application performance, when using connection pool occur when the WebContainer is not Configured Properly
If the webcontainer thread pool size is set too high relative to maximum connections of pool, resource contention for available connections could occur
It is also strongly recommended not to check isGrowable checkbox for webcontainer threadpool
Is WC Threadpool is set to high or Is isGrowable checkbox checked ?
If Yes → correct it & test to see if problem fixed
If No → Other Issues that cause wait Execution
Even If the get/use/close pattern is being followed by the app, connections will not be returned to the pol until trancation in which the connection obtaine is commited
This Frequently occurs in servlets, when a Sharable Connection is obtained in a local transaction Containment(LTC)
If you face any slow performance, without connection wait check SystemOut.log for WSVR0605W warinings,
If Yes → There is a thread that has been running as long as threshold defined in hang detection poloicy
generate javacores and analyse , why thread was hung.
If None of above occurs Raise PMR

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