This command is used to either expand the Enterprise Archive in to a file system or collapse the application files into a single EAR file.
EarExpander -ear earName -operationDir dirName –operation <expand | collapse> [-expansionFlags <all|war>]
- earName specifies the source EAR file name if it is a expand operation or output EAR file name for collapse operation
- operationDir specifies the directory where EAR needs to be expanded or a directory from where EAR needs to be collapsed in to a file.
- expand or collapse option to either expand an EAR or collapse a directory to a EAR
- an optional expansionFlags
all - expand war’s, rar’s.
war – to expand only .war
- Tool collects logs & configuration files in single jar file
- Additionally, the tool collects system information like configuration, OS system logs, available disk space, etc.
- Should be a root user to run the command.
- Can’t run the tool inside the profile-root/bin folder.
WASService.exe (with no arguments starts the service)
|| -add <service name>
-serverName <Server>
-profilePath <Server's Profile Directory>
[-wasHome <Websphere Install Directory>]
[-configRoot <Config Repository Directory>]
[-startArgs <additional start arguments>]
[-stopArgs <additional stop arguments>]
[-userid <execution id> -password <password>]
[-logFile <service log file>]
[-logRoot <server's log directory>]
[-restart <true | false>]
[-startType <automatic | manual | disabled>]
|| -remove <service name>
|| -start <service name> [optional startServer.bat parameters]
|| -stop <service name> [optional stopServer.bat parameters]
|| -status <service name>
|| -encodeParams <service name>
Adding a Service
wasservice -add myNode01 -serverName server1
-profilePath C:\WebSphere70\profiles\AppSrv01
-wasHome C:\WebSphere70
-logRoot C:\WebSphere70\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\server1
-startType automatic
-stopArgs "-username wasadmin -password waspass"
Note: To Update Any Parameters Add Those and Execute Same Command As it is ….
CAR: (Replication of Server/Profile Configuration)
To create Apllication Server Archive;
$AdminTask exportServer{ -archive “c:\work”
-nodeName <nodename>
-serverName <servername>
$AdminTask importServer{ -archive “c:\work”
-nodeInArchive <nodename>
-serverInArchive <servername>
-nodeName <any available nodename>
-serverName <usedefined servername>
$AdminConfig save
To create A StandAlone Profile Archive;
$AdminTask exportWasProfile { -archive <where to store> }
$AdminTask importWasProfile { -archive <where to store> }
backupConfig -nostop “path to store backup file” –profileName <profilename>
restoreConfig –nowait –location “path of backup file” –profileName <profilename>
backupConfig <file-name>
- Utility to back-up configuration to a zipped file
- For Stand-alone node, run backupConfig at the Node level
- For Network Deployment Cell, run backupConfig at the DMgr level, since it contains the master repository
restoreConfig <file-name>
- Utility to restore the configuration of your Stand-alone Application Server or the Cell from a backed up configuration file
Note that the backing up configuration is not sufficient to recreate the entire system
- There might be other directories like application binaries, that reside outside the configuration.
Name Service
Each application server hosts a name service that provides a JNDI NameSpace.
This service is used to Register resources hosted by application server.
wasprofile(V6.0)/manageprofiles(V6.0 &7.0)
wasprofile.bat or wasprofile.sh (V6.0)
- manageprofiles.bat or manageprofiles.sh (V6.1)
Command line tool provides complete management of profiles - create, list, delete, validate, etc.
Profile Creation Tool uses wasProfile under the covers to create profiles.
wasprofile.bat –help
create, augment, delete, unaugment,
deleteAll, listProfiles, getName, getPath, validateRegistry,
For detailed help on each mode enter: -<mode> -help. For example, -create -help.
wasprofile –create -profileName -profilePath -templatePath –cellName –nodeName –hostName -isdefault
Federation n Defederation
- To federate the standalone profile node to the cell.
- 5.0 node can’t be added to 6.0 and 6.0 node can’t federated to 6.1. Can be done only through migration.
- With security enabled, both the node and cell user registry should be same.
- The removeNode command returns a node from a Network Deployment distributed administration cell to a stand-alone application server installation.
- The removeNode command only removes the node-specific configuration from the cell. It wont remove the application from the cell.
- Removes node configuration after node is forcefully removed from the cell
- Executed at the DMgr
RemoveNode –force
- Forces full synchronization between the node and the Deployment Manager
- Used as error recovery tool, in case the node level configuration is damaged to the point where the Node Agent does not start
- Can also be done through the Administrative Console or wsadmin
addnode.bat localhost 8879 -includeapps
-Result is nodeagent is created and nodeagent started and server will be in stop state
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv60\logs\addNode.log
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the AppSrv60 profile
ADMU0001I: Begin federation of node anode60 with Deployment Manager at localhost:8879.
ADMU0009I: Successfully connected to Deployment Manager Server: localhost:8879
ADMU0505I: Servers found in configuration:
ADMU0506I: Server name: server1
ADMU2010I: Stopping all server processes for node anode60
ADMU7702I: Because server1 is registered to run as a Windows Service, the
request to stop this server will be completed by stopping the associated Windows Service.
ADMU0024I: Deleting the old backup directory.
ADMU0015I: Backing up the original cell repository.
ADMU0012I: Creating Node Agent configuration for node: anode60
ADMU0014I: Adding node anode60 configuration to cell: dcell60
ADMU0016I: Synchronizing configuration between node and cell.
ADMU0018I: Launching Node Agent process for node: anode60
ADMU0020I: Reading configuration for Node Agent process: nodeagent
ADMU0022I: Node Agent launched. Waiting for initialization status.
ADMU0030I: Node Agent initialization completed successfully. Process id is:3128
ADMU0003I: Node anode60 has been successfully federated.
What removeNode Does :
You can remove a Node using either the WAS Admin Console or using command line .
The command performs the following operations:
1. Connects to the deployment manager process to read the configuration data.
2. Stops all of the running server processes of the node, including the node agent process.
3. Removes servers in the node from clusters.
4. Restores the original stand-alone node configuration. This original configuration was backed up when the node was originally added to the cell. When a node is removed, it is restored to its original configuration,except when it was added to the cell.
5. Removes the node’s configuration from the master repository of the cell. The local copy of the repository held on each node will get updated at the next synchronization point for each node agent. Although the complete set of configuration files are not pushed out to other nodes, some directories and files are pushed out to all nodes.
6. Removes installed applications from application servers in the cell that are part of the node being removed.
7. Copies the original application server cell configuration into the active configuration.
To restore the admin console or to install and uninstall the console.
IscDeploy –restore.
- Also use the deployConsole.py jython command to install and uninstall the adminconsole. The command is available only on version 6.1.
deployConsole.py –install or
deployConsole.py –uninstall
Starting IBM HTTP Server on Linux and UNIX platforms
* /opt/IBMIHS/bin/apachectl start|stop
To start IBM HTTP Server using an alternate configuration file
apachectl -k start -f path_to_configuration_file
To stop IBM HTTP Server using an alternate configuration file
apachectl -k stop -f path_to_configuration_file
Start IBM HTTP Server
./apachectl start
Stop IBM HTTP Server
./apachectl stop
Start IBM HTTP Administration Service (Server)
./adminctl start
Stop IBM HTTP Administration Service (Server)
./adminctl stop
Registering IHS as A Service
apache –k install –f “Path to Configuration File” –n “Service Name”
Start/Stop Service
apache –n “Service Name” -k start/stop
Uninstalling HIS Service
apache –k uninstall –n “Service Name”
Important Log Files
WebSphere Application Server
SystemOut.log (located under <PROFILE_ROOT>/<profileName>/logs/<serverName>)
access_log (located under <IHS_ROOT>/logs) – contains requests from clients (browsers)
error_log (located under <IHS_ROOT>/logs) – contains error messages, including expansions of 404s
IBM HTTP Administration Service
admin_access_log (located under <IHS_ROOT>/logs) – contains requests from WAS
admin_error.log (located under <IHS_ROOT>/logs) – contains error messages (e.., related to propagation of plugin and starting/stopping web server)
WebSphere Plugin
http_plugin.log (located under <IHS_ROOT>/Plugins/logs/<webServerName>)
- See more at: http://blog.webagesolutions.com/archives/226#sthash.nDOH1D4S.dpuf
Using the Apachectl utility
The Apachectl utility starts and stops the IBM HTTP Server on UNIX systems.
Location: You can find the Apachectl utility located in the base_directory/bin directory on the following operating systems:
AIX: Locate the base directory at /usr/IBMIHS.
HP: Locate the base directory at /opt/IBMIHS.
Linux: Locate the base directory at /opt/IBMIHS.
Solaris: Locate the base directory at /opt/IBMIHS.
Options: The Apachectl utility contains the following options:
Start: Starts server.
Stop: Stops server.
Restart: Restarts server by sending SIGHUP, or starts the server if it is not running.
Fullstatus: Dumps a full status screen; requires the Lynx text browser and the mod_status module.
Status: Dumps a short status screen; requires the Lynx text browser and the mod_status module.
Graceful: Restarts server by sending SIGUSR1, or starts the server if it is not running, without shutting down completely.
Configtest: Performs a configuration syntax test. This option does not check semantics; see error log when starting server.
Help: Provides help on the Apachectl utility.
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